Editor's review
This is a music tone generator in a pure form.
This is a standalone executable and does not require any installation. It lets you generate the fundamental musical frequencies The PC is used to generate the basic frequencies by simulating double precision numbers to convert into sinusoids. The tone generator can generate the six frequencies, considered to be the fundamental tones to creating music all over the world. These six Solfeggio frequencies are also associated to healing of various body and mind conditions. UT at 396 Hz is associated with liberating a person from guilt and fear. The RE frequency at 417Hz is associated with undoing situations and facilitating change, MI @ 528 Hz, transformations and miracles(DNA repair), FA@639 Hz with connecting/relationships SOL@ 741 Hz is associated with awakening intuition and LA@ 825Hz is connected to returning to spiritual order.
The interface has a volume slider that can be set for each of the tones. The tones generated then could be used as a teaching aid or for tuning a musical instrument. The tool lets you generate any non standard frequency also for this tuning purpose too. In fact you can use this program as frequency generator in the audio band, by specifying a particular frequency. A Fibonacci arpeggiator is included; tick the tones that you wish to be included in the ensemble. An arpeggiator is a feature that automatically steps through a sequence of notes based on an input chord, thus creating an arpeggio. The notes can often be transmitted to a MIDI sequencer for recording and further editing. An arpeggiator may have controls to manipulate the order and speed in which the notes play; upwards, downwards, or in a random order. You can set the sequence and turn up the Fibonacci Arp Level. As each tone is played the column is colored blue to indicate the volume the tone is played at. Optional white noise is available for added ambiance. This freeware tool can be used for Cymatics and such experimentation.
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